Healthier Alternatives for College Students to Stay Alert

Reading Time: 3 minutes

College students are notorious for not living out the healthiest life. Many bad habits force college students to make poor health choices during their college careers. Many of these unhealthy habits can stem from procrastination, poor time management, financial stress, horrible eating habits, and not being able to set up boundaries. Frequently, many college students are left with no other choice but to waste time and money consuming harmful substances that leave them crashing and burning out.

Beverages similar to energy drinks and coffee are heavily consumed by students so they can appear to be more alert and energized for the day. A simple way students can start being healthier, is looking for small alternatives that make a world of a difference for their health. A simple and easy way is for students to start making their cup of coffee healthier just by switching out their generic creamer for a plant-based one. In addition to this helpful hint, this article will help explain different ways to set up a healthier routine and cut down on ingesting massive amounts of unwarranted empty calories.

Sleep Schedules:

Many college students can easily fall out of a healthy sleep routine. Many students will wait until the last second to start a writing assignment, cram for a test, or just be out too late partying. All students must realize how important it is to maintain some sleep schedule that they can be accustomed to, even with everything going on in college.

Many college students are easily distracted and can rarely put up boundaries for themselves. Even with all the commotion going on in college and being pulled in multiple directions, students need to reintroduce routines that are conducive to their overall health, so they can be successful as they can be in college. Here are some popular and healthier alternatives that some college students have been relying on to have more wholesome sleep and healthy throughout college:

Healthier Alternatives:


Many college students find it more affordable to stock up on caffeine-free tea. A popular tea to enjoy before bed is chamomile. This tea offers a more natural way to reduce stress and calm the mind before bed. As surprising as it might sound, chamomile is considered to be a sleep inducer because it contains an antioxidant called apigenin. Apigenin is what helps initiate sleep because of its anxiety-reducing symptoms.

Melatonin vs. Saffron

Melatonin and saffron are both used to initiate sleep and help people stay fast asleep throughout the entire night. This is a very hot topic right now when determining which supplements, containing these ingredients, are the best.

Many say melatonin works more efficiently, however many people experience intense dreams that disturb their sleep. Saffron is a higher quality product that costs a little more but still leaves people calm and stress-free when getting ready for bed. There are so many supplements out there, so it is important to figure out which sleep supplements work best for you. Students should be extra selective to see how they feel in the morning after trying out a few different supplements and make sure they don’t feel too groggy. Also, it is important to not become dependent on any specific supplement.

Diffusers & Sleep Aids

College students are becoming well versed in aromatherapy and quickly comprehending how beneficial they can be to have in a college setting. Essential oil diffusers do a wonderful job of not only leaving a dorm room smelling refreshed and rejuvenated but also energized depending on the essential oil that is being used.

Also, if it isn’t too bothersome for some roommates, many college students rely heavily on white noise machines. These are fantastic because of all the obnoxious noise that can accumulate in dorms and shared living spaces. It can also be a way to signify to roommates that it is time to quiet down and get some sleep.


Students need to pull themselves from their computers, tablets, phones, TV, gaming consoles, or any other electronic distraction before bed. On any given day we are exposed to so many advertisements and new sources, we deserve to give ourselves a break.

According to Barney McCoy associate professor of broadcasting and journalism at the University of Nebraska, he surveyed “675 students in 26 states, he found that students check their phones during class 11 times a day on average, and that students spend an estimated 20 percent of class time checking a phone or other device for purposes that are not related to class.” That time adds up quickly and proves that we are all so dependent on our phones.

As hard as it may be, students need to learn to refrain from using their electronic devices so they can be more attentive to what is going on around them. Also, unplugging for a substantial amount of time before bed is crucial for college students. Students need to understand that work will always be there tomorrow and sometimes it is always best to shut things down earlier and complete it when they feel more refreshed. Time to rest up!

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Carolyn Krokus is a contributor for 365 Business Tips and can be found enhancing blogs by writing lively and relevant content. She is a professional digital marketer, which has helped with branding and implementing new strategies.

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