How Olive Leaf Extract Can Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Olive leaf extract is a supplement that’s capable of providing help for a number of health issues. For example, did you know that it could make a difference for anyone who’s living with arthritis? By choosing the right extract, you begin the process of easing the pain associated with this type of ailment and being able to move more freely. Here are some of the basics that you should know about arthritis and what olive leaf extract can do for you.

What Is Arthritis?

Strictly speaking, arthritis is a collective term used to describe several different ailments that affect the ability to move without pain. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are more than 100 different health issues that are classified as arthritis or arthritic discomfort. As of 2019, arthritis remains one of the leading causes of disability in the United States.

One thing you should know about arthritis is that it’s not an old person’s condition. People of all ages, genders, orientations and ethnic backgrounds can and do develop some form of arthritis. There are some indications that women are at a higher risk, as are people who are nearing or past the average retirement age.
Some people develop mild to moderate issues as symptoms associated with an underlying health condition. This often means treating the cause as well as seeking relief from the symptoms themselves. Physical therapy, medication, nutrition and even some surgical procedures may be employed. It’s the nutrition aspect that makes olive leaf extract worth exploring.

What Are Some of the Most Common Symptoms of Arthritis?

The more common signs of arthritis include joint stiffness, swelling in and around the joints, recurring or constant pain and a limited range of motion. The symptoms may be minor and cause minimal interference with daily life and activities. They can also become so severe that every attempt to move triggers pain that’s almost impossible to bear. In the worst case scenario, people may become homebound, find it impossible to get recuperative sleep and require a high level of care.

In more severe cases, arthritis can lead to permanent changes in the bone structure. There is also some indication that arthritis can begin to adversely affect the function of the heart, lungs, kidneys and even the eyes. With that in mind, seeking out the most effective treatment options is the only way to go.

How Can Olive Leaf Extract Help?

The reason that olive leaf extract can provide a measure of relief is due to the presence of oleuropein in the leaves and stems of the olive tree itself. Oleuropein is believed to provide anti-inflammatory benefits that help to ease joint swelling and reduce the amount of stiffness present. Getting rid of swelling and stiffness in turn reduces the amount of pain that the individual experiences.

Studies into OLE indicate that it can help with many forms of arthritis. In particular, tests have shown positive results with people who live with gout arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. That research is particularly important for people with osteoarthritis, since it’s generally considered to be the most common form of this type of disease.

While much of the focus is on easing symptoms, these same studies also indicate that using olive leaf extract can provide additional nutrition to the affected joints and tissues. That nutrition in turn helps to prevent the inflammation and stiffness from returning as quickly. Thanks to the positive impact that olive leaf extract has on the immune system, the body in general is able to fight arthritis more effectively.

Is It Safe To Use Olive Leaf Extract With Other Therapies?

There are no known negative interactions between olive leaf extract and most medications used to help fight arthritis symptoms. Even so, it’s a good idea to discuss the use of any supplements with your doctor. In some cases, you may find that the right supplement makes it unnecessary to take prescription medication designed for use with mild cases of arthritis. At other times, adding the supplement could enhance the effectiveness of the medication, allowing you to enjoy greater benefits while taking smaller doses.

In terms of physical therapy to ease swelling, olive leaf extract is likely to support those efforts. By making it easier to engage in water therapy and other approaches commonly employed to fight joint stiffness, using the extract can make it easier to recover a wider range of motion. Easing the pain also makes it easier to move comfortably. Indirectly, taking the extract makes it easier to enjoy restful sleep, since there is less potential for waking up due to joint pain.

Will Any Olive Leaf Extract Supplement Work Equally Well?

While there is plenty of evidence to indicate that olive leaf extract is helpful for treating arthritic conditions, it’s important to note that not all supplements are the same. Some of them are made using methods that reduce some of the oleuropein content. While you may still see some benefits, it pays to look for a product that preserves the full effect of this compound.

The solution is to utilize an option known as d-Lenolate. This patented approach makes use of an extraction process designed to preserve the chemical composition of the olive leaves. The result is that you receive more oleuropein per dose and get to enjoy an increase in benefits. When comparing supplements, learn all you can about fillers and other elements that may affect the benefit you receive. It won’t take long to see why d-Lenolate is worth trying.

If you’d like to know more about treating various forms of arthritis and other health issues, reading Dr. Walker’s “Olive Leaf Extract” is a good place to begin. You’ll find out more about how to use OLE effectively and achieve the best possible results. Along the way, you may find that olive leaf extract will help you feel more energetic, improve your frame of mind and in general make it much easier to get the most out of life.

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Geoff Melcher is the Vice President at East Park Research in Las Vegas, NV. East Park Research has studied the healing properties of the olive leaf, resulting in the development of a unique olive leaf extract formulation - d-Lenolate.

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